Source: lib/category-loader.js

import urlAssembler from 'url-assembler'
import got from 'got'
import CategoryItem from './category-item.js'
import buildSourceUrl from './build-source-url.js'

 * Loads category members recursively from the given MediaWiki-Source
 *  Category items cannot always be retrieved all at once (500 at most)
 *  so we have to make multiple requests to the server
 * @private
 * @param {string} source
 * @param {string} categoryTitle
 * @param {CategoryItem[]} previousItems
 * @param {string} continueTerm
 * @return {Promise<CategoryItem[]>}
async function getCategoryItems(source, categoryTitle, previousItems, continueTerm) {
  // # parameters which will be present in the url (query)
  const urlParams = {
    action: 'query',
    format: 'json',
    list: 'categorymembers',
    cmtitle: categoryTitle,
    cmlimit: 500 // maximum as of 2022
  // ## continue term is being used by mediawiki to identify
  //     the current page of the category we want to retrieve
  if (continueTerm && continueTerm !== '') {
    urlParams.cmcontinue = continueTerm

  const url = urlAssembler(source)

  const response = await got(url, {
    retry: 1

  // # traverse wikitionary data down to the content
  // the following might throw a syntax error if response.body
  // is no valid json
  let body
  try {
    body = JSON.parse(response.body)
  } catch (e) {
    return Promise.reject(new Error('response-body-invalid'))

  // check if json format is ok
  if (body.query === undefined || body.query.categorymembers === undefined) {
    throw new Error('response-body-invalid')

  // map to CategoryItem
  const categories =
    (item) => new CategoryItem(item.pageid, item.title)

  // Do we have reached the last category page?
  //  if so then return all items
  //  else fetch more (recursive call)
  if (body.continue === undefined) {
    return Promise.resolve(previousItems.concat(categories))
  } else {
    return getCategoryItems(

 * Encapsulates utility methods for a given mediawiki-compatible source
export default class CategoryLoader {
   * Initalizes CategoryLoader class
   * @deprecated [please use static create methods to create an object]
   * @param {string} sourceUrl
  constructor(sourceUrl) {
    this.sourceUrl = sourceUrl

   * Creates a CategoryLoader object from an complete url to the api
   * @param {string} sourceUrl
   * @example
   * CategoryLoader.createFromUrl('')
   * @return {CategoryLoader}
  static createFromUrl(sourceUrl) {
    return new CategoryLoader(sourceUrl)

   * Creates a CategoryLoader object from an language-independent
   * url-template (mustache style).
   * Common templates are available in exported member MwSources
   * @param {string} urlTemplate mustache syntax
   * @param {string} languageCode mediawiki compatible language code
   * @example
   * CategoryLoader.createFromTemplate(
   *   'https://{{language}}',
   *   'en'
   * )
   * @return {CategoryLoader}
  static createFromTemplate(urlTemplate, languageCode) {
    return CategoryLoader.createFromUrl(
      buildSourceUrl(urlTemplate, languageCode)

   * Retrieves all category members (but not from their subcategories)
   * @param {string} categoryTitle
   * @return {Promise} Array of type CategoryItem
  loadMembers(categoryTitle) {
    return getCategoryItems(this.sourceUrl, categoryTitle, [], '')